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Euroregion Nestos – Mesta

The Euroregion (surface: 5 651 km2, inhabitants: 230.000) covers the Drama Regional District in the Region of East Macedonia - Thrace in Greece and the River Mesta Region in the Region of Blagoevgrad in Bulgaria. Euroregion Nestos - Mesta structure comprises of two units that of the Bulgarian Side and that of the Greek Side respectively. The Eurorergion was founded in 1992is and is registered in the two countries as non-Profit non-Governmental organizations according to the national legislation of each country.

The objective, which the Euroregion Mesta – Nestos has set itself, is to encourage and promote regional partnerships, to support the exchange of experience between institutions, economic entities and cultural association. To reach its aims, it relies on local organizations that demonstrate the traditional spirit of solidarity, which shows itself in times of crisis.

The aim of future activities includes the strengthening of the partnership and the exploration of the possibility to establish a EGTC. The two sides have elaborated and developed a common action strategy. The strategy calls for the implementation of certain actions and activities categorized in six major fields. The six fields of activities that are under constant development in the Euroregion ‘Nestos-Mesta’ are:

  • Activity Field A: Communication, Exchange of Information and Networking
  • Activity Field B: Economic Cooperation Transport and Infrastructure;
  • Activity Field C: Tourism – Entertainment;
  • Activity Field D: Culture and Society;
  • Activity Field E: Environment and Agriculture;
  • Activity Field F: Transfer of Technology

Environmental Management Enhancement by Youth-run SMEs

“This webpage has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of the webpage are sole responsibility of the Hellenic National Youth Council and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat”.

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