Work packages
The EnvironmentYou Work Packages (WPs) with the relevant Deliverables are described below:
Work Package 1: Project Management & Coordination
- Deliverable 1.1: Preparation Activities
- Deliverable 1.2: Design Action Plan - Project Keep off Meeting
- Deliverable 1.3: Management & Reporting
- Deliverable 1.4: Audits
Work Package 4: Design & Implementation of Vocational Trainings
- Deliverable 4.1: Electronic & Printed Training Material
- Deliverable 4.2: Training Seminars
Work Package 2: Communication & Dissemination
- Deliverable 2.1: Design of Publicity Plan
- Deliverable 2.2: Specific Publicity Actions: Attracting Stakeholders
- Deliverable 2.3: Internet & Electronic Media Promotion
- Deliverable 2.4: Publicity & Promotion actions in the Mass Media
- Deliverable 2.5: Final Conference
Work Package 5: Design & Implementation of Networking & Clustering Actions
- Deliverable 5.1: International Networking Workshops
- Deliverable 5.2: International Exchange Visits
Work Package 3: EMS Development & Pilot Application
- Deliverable 3.1: Current Status Study
- Deliverable 3.2: Development of EMS Manuals and Software
- Deliverable 3.3: Establishment of e-EMS Knowledge Center
- Deliverable 3.4: Pilot Operation
- Deliverable 3.5: Evaluation & Redesign of EMS